The Chosen Ones: An Interview With Scott Feldman

There are so many cooking shows now—ones featuring celebrity chefs, iron chefs, dessert chefs, top chefs, test kitchens, chef’s lives, chef’s minds, $13-dollar Anthony Bourdain chocolate bars at William and Sonoma, Mario Battali knife sets, actual food porn, Martha Stewart and Snoop on a cooking show together (genius)… and the list goes on. And on. And on.

It seems the food and beverage industry—or F&B as they call it in the biz—has gone absolutely bananas. And in this stainless steel jungle, there is a Jew. He is Scott Feldman and he is unequivocally known as a “powerhouse”—the “Uber manager” to chefs who have become celebrities in their own right.

I met him at his “office away from his office”—an Italian eatery called Barbuto—which also happens to be where Top Chef Jonathan Waxman operates.

Feldman had just flown in on a helicopter from the Hamptons to meet me. Not bad for a Jewish kid from Roslyn, Long Island, who started out sweeping the floors of his dad’s bar.

Read the full article at HERE

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